Sunday, November 9, 2014

Time for an Interview (Week 44)

So I have been planning this post for a while now... and I'm super excited!!
 My lovely friend, Laura (from Living and Dressing for my Savior), will be taking the lead in this series and depending on how many people I can get and how soon I can get them, this should go on for a few weeks.
 My goal in doing this is to show how these Christian girls keep Loving God while living in a world that hates Him.
Introducing Laura:
Hello everyone! First of all, thanks so much Amy for asking me to answer some questions for you! I really enjoy hearing from other Christian teens! I'm Laura, a teenage girl who loves fashion, reading, crocheting, sewing, spending time in the kitchen, and working on crafts! More important than any of those things though, I love my Lord and Savior! I started my blog, Living and Dressing for My Savior over a year ago. I blog about modest fashion, and my journey to grow up and become a Proverbs 31 woman! I'd love it if you would stop by and say hello!
Why is praying so important to you?

The reason prayer is so important, is because it is talking to God. All strong relationships require good communication. For instance, if you never ever talked to your friend, how good of friends would you be? What if you only talked on certain occasions, maybe once or twice a year? It wouldn't be a strong friendship. Now think about your best friend. How often do you talk to him/her? I talk to my best friend everyday. It is a rare occasion when we don't know every little thing that is happening in each other's lives! That wouldn't happen if I never talked to her! It is the same with prayer. God wants to hear from you. If I only pray every once in a great while, how am I going to have a strong relationship with Him? Another reason praying is so important to me is because that is what the Bible says to do. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 puts it simply : Pray without ceasing. 

What do you usually pray about?

My prayers typically begin with thanks. I have so much to give thanks for! I also confess my sins. I pray that He will help me to fight the temptation that I'm faced with. Then, as James 5:16 says, I pray for others. So many people ask me to pray for them, and I honestly do! I pray many different ways at different times of the day. I honestly believe there is no right way to pray. Something that has really helping me (and others that I've shared this with) is something I learned from one of the Duggar's books. Whenever faced with a situation where I'm being tempted, I have a list of people that have asked for prayers or those who I know need salvation. I quickly pray for each of them because who is tempting me? Satan. And what does Satan despise? Prayer. So when I pray, the Devil flees.
Why is it so important to you to go to church every Sunday?

Hebrews 10:25 (along with many other verses) talks about the importance of going to church. When you are at a church that truly challenges you and teaches the truth unequivocally, you will grow and thrive in that environment! Going to church is about fellow-shipping with other Christians and learning more about God. I know that I need that time every week to prepare and challenge me for the other 6 days!
When did you first become a follower of Christ?

I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was four years old! My mom was reading my sister and I our daily devotionals, and both of us began to ask lots of questions. I remember her smiling as she asked us "Do you want to ask God to come in your heart tonight?" and both of us nodding and saying we did! She prayed with each of us individually and that night, both of us became Christians! My mother remembers the exact date and we celebrate our "spiritual birthday" every year!
Who was it that helped you to know Christ?

I have been blessed to grow up in a Christian home. As I said before, my mother was the one who prayed with my sister and me to accept Christ, but my father has also been a wonderful role model. He would read and reenact Bible stories to all of us kids by using our favorite stuffed animals as the characters! Others that have helped me to know Christ better have been my Bible study teachers! They were so full of love and patience with me and the other kids, and taught me so many things!
What do you do to show Jesus' love?

Wow, this is a hard question! The first verse that popped into my head was 1 Corinthians 10:31. "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." I believe that applies to showing God's love as well! Everything I do should show God's love. I know I make many mistakes along the way, but that is my ultimate goal- bring glory and honor to God, and share the love that Christ has given me!
How will you show Jesus' love in the future?

Like I just said, I want to show God's love through everything I do. So I will continue to do the same in the years to come as I strive to do today! 


Laura said...

Thanks so much for interviewing me, Amy! I so enjoyed it, and you were so sweet to work with!

Unknown said...

Great interview! I enjoyed learning more about Laura.