Samuel Truett Cathy, or better known as S. Truett Cathy, was the founder of the popular fast food resturaunt known as Chick-fil-a. Growing up, Cathy had been a Christian and taught in Sunday School at the First Baptist Church in Georgia. Because he was Christian, when he finally opened Chick-fil-a he decided it would be closed on Sundays so that the workers can have the opportunity to attend Church and spend time with their family.
I like to look at S. Truett Cathy with great joy because God has used him for much before he died in September 2014 at age 93. He has showed his faith to many people and by being a billionaire, he had the money to give to others, and that is what he did. He gave away millions of dollars in scholarships and gave away even more toward building and equipping foster homes. Cathy says, "The Bible is my guide-book for life."
David Green, the founder of my favorite craft store, Hobby Lobby, is in a like situation. He has said, "We are Christians, and we run our business on Christian principles." He, like Cathy, has his business closed on Sundays. Green has grown up in a Christian atmosphere and because of his growing strength has been a great example towards others. Here are some of the guidelines Hobby Lobby and all their employees are committed to following:
-Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating the company in a manner consistent with Biblical principles.
-Offering our customers exceptional selection and value.
-Serving our employees and their families by establishing a work environment and company policies that build character, strengthen individuals, and nurture families.
-Providing a return on the family's investment, sharing the Lord's blessings with our employees, and investing in our community.
See guidlines at: